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Yoav is a one man band, made up of singer/songwriter… Yoav. Born in Israel, raised in South Africa, having lived in Montreal and New York, Yoav now calls London his home, where he is set to release is debut album, Charmed and Strange, through Verve/Universal. His sound, although allegedly solely based in acoustic guitar, evokes minimalist electronica on “Club Thing”, with a brooding atmosphere and understated guitar, with a persistent backing beat. His voice pairs nicely with these artistic choices, ending in a beautifully rendered track.

Yoav – “Club Thing” [MySpace] [Buy]

“Beautiful Lie”, on the other hand, traverses the more standard aspects of the singer/songwriter genre, but manages to keep plenty of “Club Thing”‘s minimalist vibe to remain fresh. Halfway through the song, Yoav leaves behind the usual emotional verses and chorus, choosing instead to ride a slowly building wave of energy to the finish line by placing an echoing guitar over an (eventually) pushy baseline, and finally tying the knot with a faded background vocal melody. Not a bad way to end what started off as an unremarkable song.

Yoav – “Beautiful Lie (Radio Version)
Yoav – “Beautiufl Lie (Tronik Youth Remix)

[MySpace] [Buy]

[via Hits in the Car]